Lesley Steppler

Lesley Steppler

Holistic Mental Health


Your thoughts are overwhelming, your mood is low and you're experiencing food intolerances or digestive issues. Maybe you have a diagnosis of anxiety or depression that has been managed well with counselling and medication, but you know you still don't feel your best. If your coping strategies are failing and you're living in survival mode, please know you CAN gain your energy back, lift your mood, experience peace and calm, and be confident to be you!

As a Holistic Mental Health Coach, I help busy people manage their anxiety, depression and overwhelming stress through a natural approach so they can feel energy and confidence to live the life they desire. Taking a holistic approach to your mental health care, we will investigate for the root cause of your struggles. Things like nutrient deficiencies and poor gut health may be the source of your anxiety, depression or inability to manage stress. We will develop a health plan together that addresses your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Based on my own health struggles and a need for a more holistic, natural approach to managing anxiety, depression and digestive issues, I created a step-by-step process that will teach you tools to improve your mental well-being while also giving you space to learn about and discover your true self.

